The female reproductive system is composed of interrelated organs that function in cooperation, and the uterus is one of them. It is in the uterus that a fertilized egg implants and is nourished; it plays an important part in women’s reproductive function, fertility, and hormonal balance. Moreover, it is very closely related to menstrual cycles. Uterus-related diseases or structural abnormalities may have an effect on a woman’s general health condition. Such a disorder is prolapse of the uterus, where symptoms such as leaking of urine, discomfort associated with sexual intercourse, and sensation of pressure may manifest. Uterus may be dropped down through the vaginal entrance if prolapse has caused it, giving rise to an unsightly look ultimately, with hazardous consequences on erotic health.

Regarding treatment, the fact that every patient goes through individualistic treatment because of consultation by a qualified physician determines its course and base. Depending on the extent of the prolapse, this may require several exercises, and surgery in some cases. The types of surgery also vary considering whether or not the patient wants to get pregnant later on. For further information about uterine prolapse treatment in Antalya or for an appointment with our Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist, Op. Dr. Mehmet Bekir Şen, do not hesitate to contact us.

What Is Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse, or uterine prolapsus, is a condition wherein the uterus falls from its usual position. Because of the anatomical structure of the uterus, there is usually very little in the way of movement; however, aging and childbirth may weaken the ligaments that hold the uterus in place, thus allowing gravitation to cause sagging of the uterus. In more advanced cases, the uterus may protrude to a visible extent at the vaginal opening.
What Causes Uterine Prolapse?
Various factors are known to result in uterine prolapse, and they include genetic predisposition and increase in age. Also, multiple pregnancies or the birth of a large baby can lead to the weakening of supportive ligaments of the uterus. When these factors act in conjunction with genetic factors, prolapse may set in. Other contributing elements include:

Multiple pregnancies (as in twins or triplets)Suffering from chronic cough
History of chronic constipation
Decreased estrogen due to menopause
Some gynecologic surgeries

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

The following are some common symptoms that may indicate uterine prolapse:

A sensation of pressure on the bladder
Difficulty with urination
Lower back pain
Discomfort during sexual intercourse
Increased vaginal discharge
Abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting
Prolapse of uterine tissue through the vagina
The symptoms vary in intensity from one individual to another. In several cases, the actual dropping of the uterus may be considered as the surest sign of prolapse. However, not all will manifest in such a serious symptom; hence, their doctors, gynecologists, must be seen for proper diagnosis and medication.

Preventing Uterine Prolapse

Patients are usually recommended to do Kegel exercises in order to prevent prolapse of the uterus, which leads to strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. It is also prudent to employ the correct methods in lifting heavy loads and to treat persistent constipation. It is advisable to stop smoking as it reduces chronic coughing, hence giving chances of prolapse a minimal opportunity.

What are the treatments for uterine prolapse?
Uterine prolapse can therefore be corrected in several ways depending on the degree of the particular problem. If diagnosed early some of the supportive tissues might be exercised to become stronger; or a tool known as pessary used to support the uterus. If the prolapse is more serious though then surgery may be required in order to resolve the issue. The surgical step will depend on whether the patient wants to conceive in future or not.

Surgery for Uterine Prolapse

Now, there are two main surgical approaches to treating uterine prolapse. There are decisions about preferential and the further pregnancy plans of the patient. For those who do not want to have a baby, the uterus may be repositioned to its normal position by a surgical suspension.

If a patient does not desire to have kids, she might be subjected to a surgery known as vaginal hysterectomy to remove the uterus. In any case, if there are complications in the application of this method, the economical option is to employ laparoscopic surgery to perform a removal of the uterus.

Recovery after a surgery for uterine prolapse.

The period of recovery after surgery for treatment of uterine prolapse may take a different period depending with the type of surgery done. In most cases, the recovery time is shorter after doing a laparoscopy surgery. If the vaginal hysterectomy is done then the recovery period is also relatively short because no large incisions have been made. Depending on the procedure that you shall have, your doctor will give details on the time that is expected to take for recovery.

For more information or to discuss a consultation with a gynecologist about uterine prolapse and the treatments provided at Estevitalya Clinic in Antalya, please get in touch. Our goal is to offer quality care for the improvement of health for better living.